Database Notes

The simplest approach would be to place all pertinent information about each frame in a single "row" of the database. A superior strategy seems to be the creation of a cluster of cross-referencing databases.

To start, we make a small database containing the site specific information. Each site is uniquely identified by a string code or integer ID. However, there may be multiple records with the same ID but different dates, as certain information may change with time. The last field of each record will contain a list of instrument IDs at each site.

siteID date siteName siteCode latitude longitude PACE
000 2001-09-12 University of Calgary UofC 56.38 265.35 66.95 null
001 2001-09-12 Gillam GILL 56.38 265.35 66.95 003 004 009
001 2002-09-01 Gillam GILL 56.38 265.35 66.97 004 009
002 2001-09-12 Rankin RANK 62.82 267.89 73.24 012

The second database contains all instrument specific details. As with sites, each instrument has a unique integer ID and a date stamp to allow for modifications and upgrades. The siteID corresponds to the unique identifier from the site database. There is also a list of filters.

instrumentID date name type siteID ASIfilterIDs
000 2001-09-12 Darkroom null 000 null
003 2001-09-12 Wilbur ASI 001 003 004 012 015 019
004 2001-09-12 Polaris ASI 001 021 022 024 025 029
012 2001-09-12 Aqsaniq ASI 001 041 045 046 047

Filter information is located in a third database. The basic idea is the same as for sites and instruments. Each filter will typically be assocated with an instrument via the corresponding ID number. Maybe also add an array containing the entire transmission curve versus wavelength?

filterID date center
003 2001-12-23 630.0 1.8 0.89 04
004 2001-12-23 557.7 2.0 0.45 04

These three small databases should be relatively easy to maintain. They could also be printed out in tabular form for easy access. More importantly, they simplify the records in an image frame database. Each frame record will first be tagged with a unique identifier. This differs from the other databases in that there will only be one frame for each frameID. Date and time of exposure are also included. Next, instrument and filter IDs refer to the corresponding entries in those databases. This is followed by additional frame specific information such as integration time. We should endevour to minimize the size of each frame record, so that the database will remain useful even with several million records. If database size does become a problem then it might be worth splitting it up into a separate database for each site.

frameID date time siteID instrumentID filterID exposureTime
000001 2001-12-23 06:12:32 01 02 3 1200 ms
000002 2001-12-23 06:12:36 01 02 4 100 ms

A list of stuff that might be overhead

satelliteID name launchDate lastDate otherstuff
103 FAST 1999-09-12 2004-01-01 ???
103 FAST 1999-09-12 2004-01-01 ???
103 FAST 1999-09-12 2004-01-01 ???

could be used to generate (from SSCWeb) a table of overflights

date time satelliteID siteID distance
1999-09-12 11:32:35 103 01 450 km
1999-09-12 11:34:12 103 02 121 km
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